The main aim of the course is increasing the level of effectiveness of young lawyers functioning on an international scale due to transfer to them modern and the most actual knowledge, skills and expertises concerning complex project management.
The complex of educational activities within the course will be directed towards forming three main components of so-called „The triangle of competence”, i.e.: knowledge, skills, abilities/ behaviors. So, thanks to the participation in educational course „The practice of international projects creation” a student:
- will gain the knowledge concerning the theory and methods of international projects writing and carrying out; sources of information and legal base about posibilities connected to international projects carrying out; specific grant programs both national and foreign, European Union’s as well; modern ternds in project activity and development prospects of the branch in the future; basic statistics which reflects the level and intencity of project activity both in Europe and in the world.
- will gain and solidify in practice skills of individual international projects creation/ writing with using of appropriate patterns and project applications generators and submitting them to propper grant institutions; creation of individual project working plan and acting according to it; international projects complex management at every level (creation, carrying out, monitoring and evaluation, summing up and reporting, continuation basing upon the previous expertise); looking for foreign partners, launching and developing longlasting relations with them; combining own aims with neddness and priorities of surroundings and requests of the financial support suppliers; multi-year projects planning and implementation.
- will form a number of socially desirable and economically important abilities/ behaviors:
* creative and outside the box thinking that is the base for the creation of every successful international project,
* sustainable knowledge and skills updating (in accordance with european standart LLL- life long learning),
* life and professional activity optimization due to skillful external assets utilizing,
* complex activity consisting in achieving different effects (e. g. economic, social, cultural and so on) within a single project,
* team cooperation during creation and implementation of a international project,
* successful and effective cooperation with the representatives of different countries, nations, social, cultural, political and religion point of views.
- Teacher: Ващенко Микола Миколайович
- Teacher: Волченко Наталія Василівна
- Teacher: Калюжна Світлана Вікторівна
- Teacher: Клочко Альона Миколаївна
- Teacher: Коваленко Ігор Миколайович
- Teacher: Петрова Наталія Олександрівна
- Teacher: Потапенко Світлана Іванівна