Тhe formation of theoretical and practical knowledge for the training of specialists with knowledge about the varietal diversity of the main forest and ornamental crops and features of their use in forestry and ornamental horticulture.
Practical realization of the theoretical provisions in forestry and park-horticulture, the use of forest and decorative cultures in different resource-economic and natural climatic zones, depending on their purpose, as well as taking into account the peculiarities of their cultivation.
- Teacher: Ольга Миколаївна Бакуменко
- Teacher: Володимир Іванович Дубовик
- Teacher: Наталія Миколаївна Кандиба
- Teacher: Ігор Миколайович Коваленко
- Teacher: Людмила Василівна Крючко
- Teacher: Віктор Іванович Оничко
- Teacher: Олена Миколаївна Осьмачко
- Teacher: Світлана Іванівна Потапенко